The Cor Jesu Adoration Chapel, attached to the church, is open 5 days per week Wednesday to Sunday for adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.
Location: approximately 10 km east of Orleans on Hwy 174
Address: 2571 Hwy 174, Cumberland, ON
IMPORTANT NOTE: When searching for our location online, please keep in mind that the adoration chapel (and St. Margaret Mary Church) are located in Cumberland ONTARIO, and not in the city of OTTAWA, nor in the province of NOVA SCOTIA.
La Chapelle Cor Jesu, attachée à l'église, est ouverte cinq jours chaque semaine du mercredi au dimanche pour l'adoration du Saint-Sacrement.
Adresse: 2571, Transcanadienne 174, Cumberland, ON
The following is a description of our chapel, prepared by Marlene Holt. Also to be found here are pictures of the Cor Jesu Chapel. Click on each one below.
Cor Jesu Chapel 1
Cor Jesu Chapel 2
Cor Jesu Chapel 3
Cor Jesu Chapel 4
Cor Jesu Chapel 5
We are blessed to have a Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Chapel at Saint Margaret Mary Parish in Cumberland.
Father James Whalen opened the Cor Jesu Perpetual EucharisticAdoration chapel on September 14, 2001, on the feast day of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. Father Jim was moved by Pope John Paul II, who invited every parish in the world to establish Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration. He was inspired by St. Margaret Mary, who heard Jesus say to her,“I ardently wish to be honoured in the Blessed Sacrament.” Father Whalen was also guided by the important biblical passage where Jesus implores us: “Could you not watch with Me one hour?” (Matthew 26:40).
When we gather to adore Jesus Christ, truly present in the Most Blessed Sacrament, we will ever be mindful of Father Jim’s passionate prayer intentions: for an increase in holy vocations, for an end to abortion, and for the establishment of more Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Chapels throughout the world.
We remember Father Jim and thank him for his loving gift to us, the Cor Jesu Chapel.
Le Père James Whalen ouvrit la chapelle d’adoration eucharistique perpétuelle Cor Jesu le 14 septembre 2001, en la fête de l’Exaltation de la Sainte Croix. L'invitation du Pape Jean-Paul II à établir l’adoration eucharistique perpétuelle dans toutes les paroisses du monde toucha particulièrement le Père Jim. Profondément inspiré par les paroles de Jésus à Sainte Marguerite-Marie : « Je désire ardemment que l’on Me glorifie dans le Saint Sacrement », le Père Whalen se laissa guider par l’important message biblique dans lequel Jésus nous implore : « Ainsi, vous n’avez pas eu la force de veiller une heure avec moi ! ». (Matthieu 26:40).
Rassemblés pour adorer Jésus-Christ réellement présent dans le très Saint Sacrement, nous resterons toujours attentifs aux intentions de prière si chères au Père Jim, telles, l’augmentation des vocations religieuses, l’abolition de l’avortement et l’ouverture de nouvelles chapelles d’adoration eucharistique perpétuelle à travers le monde.
En souvenir du Père Jim et avec tous nos remerciements pour ce don précieux qu’est pour nous laChapelle Cor Jesu.
Archbishop Terrence Prendergast solemnly dedicated the Cor Jesu Chapel as a place of prayer for Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life on June 11, 2009.
We were created to KNOW, LOVE AND SERVE GOD AND TO BE HAPPY WITH HIM IN HEAVEN. If you wish to know your mission and purpose in life then spend some time in the presence of the Eucharistic Lord. You will never regret this time spent with Jesus.
We are always in need of more people to assist with adoration at this beautiful chapel. Please consider coming to the Chapel on a regular basis or as a casual “adorer”.
The Chapel is located on the parking lot side of the church near the bottom of the wheel chair ramp which leads to the basement. There is a Divine Mercy image on the Chapel door.
If you would like to have more information about the Chapel please call me.
Lyse Charron